Thoth's Truth

A Soul's Journey Across the Universe



Chapter 4

CreThe Arrival of the Material Son and Daughter – Mansion World Three


When Tigh arrived on the first mansion world he was presented with a number of options and one of them was a chance to visit the first of the transition worlds which is the headquarters of the finaliters and he took advantage of it. One of the main purposes of this world is it acts as a probationary nursery for the nurturing and development of evolutionary children. They had at some point in their original life, prematurely passed through transition and were not fully exposed to the natural life cycle that most on Earth had the opportunity to complete. I will delve into this important subject more extensively later as it is imperative to understand from an earthly perspective.


Once he gained the second mansion world, Tigh receive permission to visit Transition World Number Two, headquarters to all the morontia training schools and it acts as the supervisory center for all of Satania. When he now arrived on Mansion World Three, he received permission to visit the third transition world, the home to various system training schools. It is also the headquarters for numerous angelic orders and their many Satania training schools. As an angel, I’m not hindered in my travels but my duty is to Tigh who must complete his residency here before seeing the other transition worlds. For me almost everything is at my disposal.


Here on this mansion world, everything is focused on gaining personal and social attainments that he failed to achieve back on his home planet. This is usually because his life had not realized its cultural potential, prior to transition. On the previous mansion worlds, training was spent shoring up negative and deficient aspects of his makeup, upgrading them to a higher level of being. Here a much more positive education program is initiated. On this world, he is still considered just a survivor, indwelled with his Maaesti but not yet fused with it. An important point that needs to be clarified is he does not become an ascending being, assured of immortality, until fusion takes place between the two at some future date.


Here Tigh really began to experience advanced morontia culture in ways that were unknown to him before. The training enhanced his capacity to understand the laws and truths he needed to employ, in guiding him farther along his path. These guiding principles are referred to as Morontia Mota. It’s a correlation of understanding morale logic, married to true metaphysics. He will gain true insight into the co-ordination of Morontia Mota and human philosophy. This is also the point where he will be introduced to cosmic meaning and how the different universes and celestial hierarchy are inter-related. It is here he will gain greater insight into the mysteries of life. He will learn much more about this important philosophy and wisdom, later in his ascension.


Tigh decided again to take a trip to the first transition world by seraphic transport, a means of conveyance he was getting used to. I stayed behind with my cohort, catching up on some administrative requirements while our Cherub went along for a break. This is the finaliter capital of the system and residents here – those finaliters assigned as a working force, have many tasks laid out for them. It is also, as said before, a huge nursery containing certain groups of salvaged children and their caretakers. It’s for those children from all the inhabited worlds of the Satania System who for whatever reason, through disease, accidents or unexpected events, reach transition before attaining adulthood. They are guided along at this young stage of their life, parentless but not abandoned and always being nurtured in caring love.


In conjunction with the parenting experience that is required, there is the parental commission that all survivors must pass before. The one Tigh went through earlier consisted of twelve parenting couples from Earth who had the mortal experience of raising a minimum of three children at least to the age of puberty. These positions are rotated every ten years and all mortal ascenders from Earth who fail to satisfy their ‘parental experience examinations’ through the above mentioned commission, must further qualify on a later mansion world or on Jerusem itself. To gain these necessary parenting skills, all childless entities are required to serve in the homes of the numerous Material Sons and Daughters on Jerusem or in the probationary nursery, located here on the Finaliter World.


These infant-receiving schools are dedicated to the nurturing and training of these children, including those that have died far too prematurely on evolutionary worlds. Many of these tykes have undeveloped souls and they arrive at the probationary nurseries guided along by cherubim who are trained for this purpose. As referenced previously, children are usually endowed with a Maaesti on average, by the age of five or six. Those children that had never been assigned one before transition are taken care of separately, in family units of five.


All children who have received an Maaesti on their material world but haven’t made a choice concerning their Paradise career (survivor or non-survivor), they are all re-personalized on this world. Here they grow up amongst the children of Material Sons and Daughter on their expansive estates, interacting and playing with their children. Those who arrive without a Maaesti subsequently make that proper moral choice and are then indwelled. This was fully understood and embraced by Tigh who had fathered a child but never took the responsibility to raise her because of subsequent events that he felt were beyond his control.


As a surviving, parental-mortal on a mansion world, you have the ability, if so inclined and if circumstances and timing is right, to reconnect with your offspring. It’s an unbelievably moving scene to witness. For Tigh, according to his cherub, it was joyous to see the passion brought forward by these parents in meeting their offspring after so many years, especially those of the assigned female gender. Let me tell you for some parents this can be the defining consideration for their survival. For those who have chosen survival but had not entirely committed themselves to the process, the attraction of seeing their own child is so strong, they become determined to journey on.


There is provisions setup on this world for all types of transition mortals, orders of spirit beings, and student visitors like Tigh to being entertained that are in no way related to the miracle visualization moments that occur here, which I will talk about shortly. He found much to keep himself busy and was helped along by the spornagia who are local residents of the Satania training worlds. They are hospitable hosts to all who visit. He was first introduced to them on the second mansion world and has come to enjoy their company. As helpful as they are, they are completely unaware of the many high spirit beings, including the finaliters, who they cannot see. But there are many other orders of beings that they can see and often interact with.


Located at the center of all these activities is the Temple of the Finaliters, the great-spirit abode. It was of course not visible to him but there was a lot he could see and do. I’ve seen it often and it’s a world of superb beauty, festooned with astonishing morontia elaborations. It’s just another step in the revelation of the morontia existence that is meant to expand his awareness as he progressed along his path. What highlight’s the experience is the variously colored, crystal structures surrounding the numerous places of worship. He was especially impressed with the show of lights being displayed, almost like a visual symphony. Although he couldn’t see the higher luminous residents temporarily assigned to this world or its brilliant spirit structures, the curtain would be lifted momentarily. These miraculous moments would reveal spirit structures and cosmic beings that could only be described as spectacular. He always waited for the event with high anticipation whenever he visited the world.


After returning from the Finaliter World, Tigh located the memorial dedicated to Earth and spent some of his spare time continuing his research on man’s early history, starting from where he left off. I accompanied him on a few of his trips to the memorial, on the various mansion worlds so I understood what he was learning. What was being revealed to him at this particular monument was the ‘pre-planetary prince’s age.’ At first it was a little confusing for him but he soon started to follow the tread of its early history, prior to and in conjunction with the era of the prince’s arrival, along with his corporeal staff. He was learning about the Andonites and their first 500,000 years. He had missed this early phase of man’s history back on the first mansion world because of his inferior vision but it was being revealed to him here on the third one.


There have been seven races of human beings on Earth since the arrival of Homo erectus nearly one-million years ago. The second half of those million years corresponded with the arrival of the Planetary Prince, Caligastia. It was about this time that the six colored races or Sangik people dawned on Earth in what human’s came to know as the Old Stone Age. But make no mistake mankind began with the Andonite aborigines 500,000 years earlier. Asia is the homeland of the human race and it was here that Homo erectus or the Andonite people, as the memorial refers to them, started migrating out from the highlands of Afghanistan. Not to confuse everyone, the initial Andonite tribe had earlier arrived there from India, led by Andon and Fonta.


In Afghanistan, these early Andonites were blocked from going east by high mountains and the arid Tibetan Plateau. To the west and south were the expanded Mediterranean area and the Indian Ocean. Also too the southeast, were the forested lands of their tribal families. They choose to avoid their ancestors at all cost. Living in the canopy of the trees might protect them from predation but if they were going to make any progress as a people, it would be in open land, at higher elevations. North was their only option and their journey only stopped when they ran into advancing ice from the north. In this harsh and rugged terrain, they strived to deal with their extreme environment, forcing them to adapt. This was in marked contrast to their backward, tree-bound cousins, who lived with ease in the southern tropical forests. This was all unfolding, at the time of the third ice-age.


By 950,000 years ago, they had migrated west as far as France and England, which at the time was connected by a land bridge. Some Andonites had even travelled as far south-east as Java. This Andonic stock prospered and improved in the west but was deteriorating in the east. But now inferior mongrel tribes were entering northern Europe. These people were so thoroughly mixed with inferior apelike beings to the south that they were barely human. Fortunately a superior group of people, the Heidelberg race, settled in the land between the advancing ice and the Mediterranean area. During this long period of cultural decline, the Foxhall people of England and the Babonan tribes of northern India managed to maintain their bloodlines. These two far-distant and separated groups carried with them the Andonic stock of their ancestors.


The Bandonites lived in the highland and foothills of northwest India, land rich with game and crossed by countless mountain streams. They thrived as a second source of Andonic stock and set about eliminating their primitive cousins to the south and east. The descendants of these improving Bandonite people became known as the Neanderthals. This was an adventurous and aggressive bunch that travelled extensively. They were excellent fighters who spread from the highland of northwest India into Europe, China to the east, and down into Africa. They were great hunters and they dominated the land for almost 500,000 years. Throughout this time the ice in the north advanced and retreated several times.


This was a spiritually dark period and culture was probably at its lowest level. The Neanderthals were a superstitious lot who had no religion. They were fearful of anything strange and unexplainable like fogs and mists. This produced an eerie presence and clouds in the sky baffled them. Out of this slowly evolved a primitive religion that feared nature. To appease these invisible forces that controlled natural events, they took up the practice of human sacrifice.


At about the time when the Planetary Prince first arrived to reign on the planet, the Andonite culture of the Badonan tribes of Indian’s northwest highlands were the highest and purest on Earth. Unfortunately wars had raged on for over one hundred years, between them and the surrounding inferior people, and in the end only about a hundred families were still alive. Amongst all this, a strange thing occurred; a man and woman produced an unusually intelligent family, nineteen children in all. This was the Sangik family and they were the ancestors to the six colored races on Earth. This strange occurrence is standard on all evolutionary worlds of the universe and not to be considered a singular event. But it was strange it occurred all at once. On other evolutionary worlds, the colored races appear one by one; the red man being the first to evolve and much later the other colored races appear.


Amongst the nineteen children, six distinct colored complexions developed, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and indigo and as they grew older there complexion became more distinct. As they matured and mated with their tribe members, the offspring always appeared as the color of the Sangik parent and was deemed a most strange occurrence at the time. From this beginning, the six colored races grew in number, migrated, competed and fought for survival on the planet.


Just prior to the arrival of Caligastia and his corporeal hundred centered in Dalamatia, intense struggles were occurring amongst the various races but particularly amongst the colored ones. The Andonites remained isolated from all of this activity and maintained their progressing heritage and were influenced greatly by eventual contact with Dalamatia. Upon the establishment of this culture center, in contrast to what was happening around the world with the various tribes, it was those around the city that were now experiencing peace and being enlightened.


The red man we’re the first to develop a tribal civilization and government. They seldom practiced plural mating, remaining mainly monogamous and pure. They were early inventors of the bow and arrow but they had a near fatal tendency to fight amongst themselves. They had migrated into Asia and came in contact with the yellow race, which was well established along the numerous fertile river valleys of China, living a peaceful existence. They tried to drive the yellow man from his land but failed, mainly because their numbers had been decimated by infighting. About eighty-five thousand years ago, they migrated across the Bering land bridge, pushed by the yellow tribes. Soon afterward the isthmus sank into the sea, covered by rising sea levels. No red man ever returned to Asia, though remnants of the race remained in isolated pockets in Siberia, China, central Asia, India and Europe. Much of this remaining stock in Asia was later absorbed by other colored races. After crossing over to North America, they never again had significant contact or were influenced by any other culture until the arrival of the Europeans. They had occasional contact with the Inuit of Andonite stock in the north but it was not significant enough to influence them. Emigration to South America came much later.


The orange man had a peculiar urge to construct things, whether it was building structures or just piling up stones. They benefited greatly from attending the schools in Dalamatia and continually sent delegations there for knowledge and learning. They migrated south following the coastline toward Africa but never really took control of the land. They eventually were wiped out or absorbed by the later arriving green people. The war with the green race was a long drawn out affair that lasted nearly one-hundred years. It was in the lower reaches of the Nile River in Egypt that the last battle occurred. Very few of the orange tribes survived the war and those that did were quickly absorbed by the victorious green people and the later arrival of the Indigo tribes. One-hundred thousand years ago saw the final curtain close on the orange race.


The yellow man was the first to settle down and establish communities along the Yangste and Yellow Rivers, developing a life based on agriculture. Socially they proved to be superior to the other races and developed a civilization, enhanced by their ability to work collectively together. They possessed a fraternal spirit, which allowed the people to learn together and live in relative harmony with one and other. This collective nature also allowed them to repel the red man back from their land. They survived because of their predominantly peaceful existence amongst their numerous tribes.


The green man over the countless millenniums, we’re weakened by a constant yearning to migrate in every direction. They lacked a collective nucleus. They split into three major groups in their extensive wanderings. The northern people were eventually absorbed by the yellow and blue races that subdued and enslaved them. The eastern group where eventually absorbed by the people of India but fragmented pockets still existed across the land. The third group entered Africa and eventually came in contact with the orange people. Amongst the green and orange races were remnants of a race of people from the Middle-East who were giants, standing eight and nine feet tall. At the time, the giant green people resided along the Nile River in Egypt. These two races were equally matched and the green were almost destroyed by the orange people during their lengthy war. The decimated greens we’re finally victorious over the orange race only to be eventually absorbed by the indigo race coming up from the south.


The fifth tribe was that of the blue man, a vigorous and industrious lot of people. They possessed the intelligence of the red man but also the soul and emotional levity of the yellow man. Early on they invented the spear and planted the seeds for expanding art as part of any civilization. They resided mainly in Europe along the rivers and valleys extending out in all directions from the central Alps and along the northern coastline of the Atlantic Ocean and along the shores of the Mediterranean Basins. They benefited greatly from the Prince’s schools but we’re devastated by the Lucifer rebellion and they had the same failing as the red man, constantly infighting amongst themselves. The white races of northern Europe descended from the blue race but eventually the blue people were assimilated by the eighth race of man, the violet race which came much later.


The final race of the Sangik was that of the indigo. They were the last to migrate from their highland home in northwestern India. They headed westward and eventually settled throughout Africa were they remained to this day. They were exploited for slavery throughout much of their later history and small nuggets of their culture and religion survive today outside of Africa. Isolated in Africa, these tribes suffered the same fate as those red men, who were trapped on the western side of the Atlantic. At one point they had a religious and spiritual awakening led by a great leader amongst them and that has lasted almost to this day. They were also the main reason for the demise of the green race that they successfully pushed north into Egypt.


As the great Sangik period was growing to a close and migration had settled down, the orange and green races were extinct or absorbed. The red man existed throughout North America, the yellow man in eastern Asia, the indigo race throughout Africa, the blue race throughout Europe. India has remained a blend of many secondary Sangik tribes as it was the birthplace of all the colored races. And finally a mixture of red and yellow people brought together, a brown race that held sway over the Asiatic Archipelagoes and adjacent sections of the Asian mainland. Eventually an amalgamation of superior strains of the red race migrated from North America south, eventually occupying the highlands of South America. At a later date, there was a slow Andite expansion eastward from Japan across the Pacific Ocean. They island hopped there way eastward until some eventually reached South America. They were followed much later by the Polynesians, who moved across the Pacific in the same manner but never reached South America. Finally that left the Andonites, the purest race of all, now residing in the northern reaches of Europe, including Iceland and Greenland, as well the northern confines of Canada and Alaska.


The evolutionary and migratory patterns that existed at the time, led to the decision to bring in the ‘age of Adam and Eve’ Why it was necessary to uplift at this fragile time in history is a challenge for many to understand. It must be appreciated, Earth is an evolutionary planet and things are done for a reason and not always explainable. The deities must have sought some gains from the aftermath of what the planet had just ensued.


Material Sons of God are created in the local universe along with the many other important orders of beings, such as the Melchizedek Order. Material Sons and Daughters, often referred to as Planetary Adams and Eves, come down to inhabited planets from their worlds of origin, from the capitals of their local systems and in this case, from the system of Satania.


When they are sent out to biologically upgrade the inhabitants of a world, they are usually successful and they’re reign continues into the distant future, up to the time of ‘Light and Life.’ Once established on a planet, they are heavily involved in administrative duties and are a huge boost in developing and providing world governance. When they fail or default like they did on Earth, than advancement becomes a great setback for the local inhabitants.


They are the highest type of sex-producing beings found in any universe. They provide the races with a connection between the planetary prince, who is invisible, and its inhabitants, as they are visible to both. Being deposited on a world with a planetary prince is challenging enough, but not nearly as much as being assigned to an apostate world, like Earth. Here there was no interplanetary communication; the land was devoid of any singular, spiritual leader, with no structure or guidance established; such a mission becomes fraught with dangerous challenges. Success was not in the cards for this couple and one wonders why they were put here in the first place, other than as an experiment.


Material Sons and Daughters while not on assignment on an inhabited planet as biologic up-lifters, reside on vast estates on the various system capitals and satellites. They are a tall creature, standing anywhere from eight to ten feet in height and their bodies are illuminated by a violet hue. When assigned to a planet they have material bodies but are surcharged with divine energy that encapsulates them with a celestial light or aura. They also have material blood circulating through their re-materialized bodies. They bring a formidable presence to the people on any planet, as do their progeny.


They are semi-material creatures. They must undergo de-materialization before they can be transported by seraphim to the world of assignment. It takes up to three days to complete the de-materialization process before they can be sent away. While the ability to perform this is readily available on the various system capitals, the infrastructure and resources needed to reverse the process, is not made available on any inhabited world receiving them. Once placed on a planet, they are usually there for the duration, and being released from their responsibilities only when the planet is settled in Light and Life. For some mysterious reason there progeny can be transplanted back without effect, as was witnessed later on Earth.


When they arrive on a planet, it takes anywhere from ten to twenty-eight days to re-materialize the couple and this task is conducted by the assigned Life Carriers of the planet. This process is undertaken in the confines of their ship. They remain in a seraphic slumber throughout the process. Once it has been assessed they can function on their assigned planet, a garden home awaits them. This garden location has been pre-constructed by some of the higher forms of local inhabitants. These garden sites are named after the constellation capital of Edentia and are referred to as Gardens of Eden. On Earth they are patterned after the botanic splendor of this headquarter world. They are strategically located in an area that has a hospitable climate and landforms that provide natural protection.


The chief strategy and undertaking of these Material Sons and Daughters is to biologically uplift the different races on the planet. To do this, the pair procreates numerous progeny who interbreed internally, multiplying their numbers within this expanding and pure gene-pool. There is no sexual contact with the outside tribes until a pre-determined number has been reached (in Earth’s case, a-half-million were planned). In this fashion, they build up a strong stock of individuals that can then move out into the general populous and mate; first with the locals and then move farther afield, until the planet has been completely covered. This mixture results in a new line, the violet race of man. This migration of progeny stock is accomplished quickly on inhabited planets through the use of large domesticated passenger birds known as Fandors.


Only if a planet is threatened by a catastrophic event is there a means of getting the survivors, including the Material Son and Daughter, off the world and onto another sphere that has been prepared for them. What’s required is the emergency installation of the technique to de-materialize individuals and this would be organized by the Melchizedeks and the Life Carriers on the endangered planet. Once the process has been completed, everyone is individually lifted off the endangered planet in a de-materialized form by seraphic transport to the predetermined destination set up for them.


And so there came a time in the planets history when the Life Carriers on Earth took note that from a biological standpoint the races were near an apex. The Melchizedek’s concurred and the leaders on Edentia made application to have the planet surveyed with the idea of getting permission to uplift the human races with the dispatch of a Material Son and Daughter. The sovereign supervisor of all decimal or experimental worlds, Tabamantia was sent to the planet to inspect its races and came back with a favorable conclusion. Almost forty thousand years ago, the Earth was about to receive its own Adam and Eve.


Van and his worthy assistant, Amadon were notified in their highland headquarters that a Material Son and Daughter were coming to Earth and although they didn’t know it at the time, they had 83 years to get everything ready for their arrival. From sixty-one scattered settlements in his domain, he recruited over three thousand willing and enthusiastic volunteers to help with the preparations. What they needed to do was prepare, a garden home for the couple and choose a suitable location. After three years of research, they had whittled it down to three potential locations. There was an island in the Persian Gulf, there was a stretch of land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, in present day Iraq, near the city of Bagdad and finally, there was a narrow peninsula that jutted out from the eastern shore of the Eastern Mediterranean Basin.


The Mediterranean peninsula site had an ideal climate and moderating temperatures that were stabilized due to the encircling mountains; practically an island connected to the mainland by a long narrow land bridge or isthmus. The committee that had been formed was unanimous on this third location and two years later, work began on the site. Construction could not begin immediately though, until the local residents were enticed to move to the mainland.


Weather patterns were quite unique in the Garden of Eden; most of the precipitation occurred in the highlands, feeding the four main rivers and numerous streams, but it seldom rained in the lowlands. An interesting phenomenon was that even though there were numerous artificially built canals to irrigate the copious assortment of vegetation in the lowlands, at night a mist would usually appear and refresh the land in that manner. The land was probably the most beautiful of its kind in the world and the climate at the time, was ideal. The coastline of this island-like, land mass, was noticeably elevated from the sea and only a 27 mile wide neck, connected this land from the mainland. It is at this narrow point where Van and his group began constructing the defensive structures.


A brick wall was first built across the neck of the peninsula, than another lower wall was constructed back from it. The space in between was filled with all manner of beasts, adding to the defenses and creating a zoological garden. Once this was completed, they then focused their attention on building homes and landscaping the surface with vegetation cover. Strung throughout were beautiful walking paths that were well-constructed, which linked up with the larger roads that connected the different communities and important centers. Throughout this construction phase, Van had no idea when the couple would arrive.


The architectural plans for the garden provided for one million inhabitants. At the center was a stone temple dedicated to the Universal Father and it was exquisitely laid out. To the north of the temple, the administration headquarters were established; to the south were the homes for the workers and their families; to the west was land set aside for the construction of schools; and to the east were established the homes for Adam and Eve and their growing offspring.


At the time of Adam’s arrival, the garden was only twenty-five percent complete. But it did have more than twelve thousand miles of paved paths and roads, all interconnected with irrigation ditches. There was over five thousand sand brick, buildings, covering the site and there were trees, plants and small parks everywhere. Seven was the largest number of homes allowed to be clustered around each small park and although the buildings were kept simple, most were artistically laid out.


The sanitary conditions in the Garden far exceeded that which could be found on the mainland. The drinking water was kept pure. This fastidiousness to salubrious detail was extended out to the surrounding lands and their people. In the center of the Garden Temple, Van planted the long guarded and treasured’ tree of life,’ the fruit of which had sustained his and Amadon’s immortality on the planet. Now it would be needed by Adam and Eve and their ever growing offspring.


For over four-hundred and fifty-thousand years, the tree stored up within its leaves and fruit, particular space-energies which were remedial to the age producing elements that were necessary for extending a person’s life. The fruit could best be described as a super-chemical battery that stored the needed energy and mysteriously passed along the life-extension force of the universe when ingested. This process was useless to ordinary man.


Adam and Eve fell asleep on Jerusem and woke up in the Garden in front of two people they had heard so much about; Van and his faithful associate Amadon, the two heroes of Lucifer’s rebellion and Caligastia’s betrayal. Adam addressed the crowd gathered before him in the Andonite tongue, the language of Amadon’s ancestors, which Adam and Eve had studied back on Jerusem. Van and Amadon had greatly improved the language by creating a new alphabet and it was a thrill to Amadon to see how the new arrivals had mastered it.


On the day that they arrived there was excitement building up amongst the people on Eden in anticipation of their arrival and joy at first seeing this regal couple. Runners were sent out to where the carrier pigeons were kept and the birds were released and in this way the word spread far and wide. This was the start of numerous pilgrimages from all points of the near and distant lands, destined for this new world center of culture and learning. The couple spent the first six days surveying their new home, meeting tribal leaders and consulting with the Melchizedek leaders and their associates.


They very quickly became aware of their planetary isolation. Gone were the familiar broadcasts from the system capital of Jerusem. Absent were all the circuits of interplanetary communication. They had no communication with their system headquarters Jerusem, Edentia the constellation capital or the universe capital of Salvington. Most planets welcome the Material pair with an effective and efficient Planetary Prince in place. As well, on these normal worlds that are running smoothly, there is experienced staff present. Here the rebellion had changed everything, with no Planetary Prince in place, although Caligastia and his assistant Daligastia were still seconded and trapped on the planet, like free roaming planetary prisoners. Though shorn of most of their power, these two had the ability to make things difficult and even dangerous for the two new rulers.


The Fandors, the large passenger birds that had been tames and trained by handlers long ago, were employed to carry the two through the air and see from above, the most beautiful spot on Earth. The day was capped with an enormous banquet in their honor. And after six days of heavy activity, they rested on the seventh. They now had time to reflect on the enormous task that lay ahead and at hand; for them a mammoth challenge. With this daunting outlook, they were soon overcome with a sense of isolation and the lonely position they were now dealing with, on the planet.


For almost seven years the Melchizedek receivers remained on the planet assisting them greatly in the everyday concerns required in administering their new domain but the day finally arrived, when they turned the affairs over to the couple and the two departed for Jerusem. At midnight, 14 seraphic transports left the planet with the 12 Melchizedeks and two others, Van and Amadon. The grays (Life Carriers) also had the capacity to de-materialize everyone for their journey back to Jerusem. The couple where now really alone, on a world so badly retarded by the rebellion and facing the daunting task of how to move human races forward.


Things went well for a time and it appeared that Adam would be able to implement a plan that would gradually upgrade the human race with Edenic blood and the establishment of the violet race. He began to inaugurate the art of manufacturing with the idea of developing trading relations with the outside world. Through trade and manufacturing, he hoped also to establish a conduit for reaching out to the people with his teachings. Even before their arrival, over a hundred primitive centers were in operation, which helped facilitate good relations with the nearby tribes and augment his plan.


Earlier, back on Jerusem, Adam and Eve had been instructed on how to improve a world and the process of evolving its civilization along, but they were presented with pressing problems in reality, at nearly every juncture here. Trying to establish law and order in a world of savages and semi-civilized human beings was no easy task. The world’s best were now living in or near the garden but only a few groups sprinkled abroad, were ready to accept the idea of an Adamic culture. He made a determined attempt to establish a world government but was met with resistance at every turn.


The people were not ready for such outside cooperation amongst the different tribes. The moment Adam’s ambassadors were sent abroad they met with fierce opposition. They also met the direct and well planned resistance of Caligastia and Daligastia. He and his assistant had been disposed as world leaders but for some mysterious reason the rulers on Edentia had let them remain on the planet. Adam tried to warn the people about the two rebellious celestial beings but this was not going to succeed, as they were invisible to the eyes of humans. On the planet, only Adam and Eve and a host of cosmic servants could see the two as they went about their business.


Adam was finally forced to withdraw his program for immediate socialization of human society and he fell back on an effective plan Van had established over 160,000 years ago. He divided the Edenites into companies of one-hundred, responsible for specific goals. These companies were further divided into groups of nine led by a lieutenant.


The bodies of the Material Son and Daughter gave off an illuminating aura. This was shrouded by the clothing they wore. Because the light emanating from their bodies was obscured by clothing, what was discernable was only the glow radiating from their heads. The origin of the traditional halo encircling the heads of saints and holy men comes from this period in mankind’s history. For Tigh this was a riveting revelation and he could hardly contain his enthusiasm when he met up with me later at his residence. It should be noted that the ancient Sumerians referred to them as the shining people.


Cooking food was a universal trait employed everywhere outside of the garden. Cooking was not practiced by the Edenites. They relied on fruits, nuts and grains or cereals. They ate once a day, at midday but they also imbibed in the “light and energy” from the’ tree of life.’ It was needed if they wanted to remain immortal on Earth.


They had the ability to communicate amongst themselves and their children over a distance of about 50 miles. This peculiar capability was the result of a gas chamber located within their brain that created and projected though oscillations over great distances.


The rule and law of the garden was based on the older codes of Dalamatia and incorporated the universal or cosmic number seven. Each of these seven categories was led by an assigned head. They were: The laws of health and sanitation; the seven commands of supreme moral rule; the civil codes of the golden rule; the laws of home life; the law of fair play and competition; the code of trade and commerce and the social regulations of the Garden.


Adam taught his contemporaries all that they could handle. The more intelligent, eagerly looked forward to the time when they would have the opportunity to inter-marry with the Edenic offspring. In this fashion, upgrading the human races and the creation of a most superior violet race of beings would commence. If this planned upgrading of the human species had been carried out successfully, there would have been tremendous gains on Earth. Even as it was, there was considerable improvement, imported to the various races by this method.


There is evidence according to Earth’s early history that the Hebrew scholars, while putting in place the Old Testament, left out important historical information and writings so that everything else would fit their needs. Later the Christian fathers selected and dismissed, much from what eventually ended up in the New Testament. They were shaping their new religion and if something didn’t fit, they ignored it or excluded it. They borrowed from other cults and pagan religions to establish their own history and events surrounding key religious figures. Nothing stands out more flawed than the historical concept of Adam and Eve. All of human history prior to them was conveniently forgotten and so they were designated by the Hebrew scholars, as the first human beings in the Old Testament. That’s interesting because in its very writings, there is a reference made to Cain, their first son, traveling to the ‘Land of Nod’ to start a new life and their met his future wife and settled with her people. If Adam and Eve were the first humans, who were these people in the land of Nod and where did they come from? The scholars had mistakenly forgotten to excise this passage from the final product.


Solonia the angelic seraph; the “voice in the Garden” as identified by the creators of the Bible, was vary pronounced in communicating the flaws that existed with the creation story or “the legend of creation” portrayed in the Book of Genesis. This entire narrative from this seraph was brought to light by mystical means and is included here as a long quote in the historic text of planet 606, Earth.


She stated, “The story of the creation of Earth in six days was based on the tradition that Adam and Eve had spent six days in their initial survey of the Garden. This circumstance lent almost sacred sanction to the time period of the week, which had been originally introduced by the Dalamatians and found it recorded in Genesis [the Bible]. Adam and Eve spending six days to inspect the Garden, while formulating preliminary plans for organization, was not prearranged; it was worked out from day to day. The choosing of the seventh day for worship was wholly incidental to the facts herewith narrated.


“The legend of the making of the world in six days was an afterthought, in fact, more than thirty thousand years afterwards. The story of creating Adam and Eve out of Adam’s rib is a confused condensation of the Adamic arrival and the celestial surgery connected with the interchange of living substances associated with the arrival of the corporeal staff of the Planetary Prince hundreds of thousands of years previously.


“The majority of the world’s population has been influenced by the tradition that Adam and Eve had physical forms created for them upon their arrival on Earth. The belief of man having been created from clay was will-nigh universal in the Eastern Hemisphere; this tradition can be traced from the Philippine Islands around the world to Africa. And many groups accepted this story of man’s clay origin by some form of special creation, in place of the earlier beliefs in progressive creation – evolution.


“Away from the influences of Dalamatia and Eden, mankind tended toward the belief in the gradual ascent of the human race. The fact of evolution is not a modern discovery; the ancients understood the slow and evolutionary character of human progress. The early Greeks had clear ideas of this despite their proximity to Mesopotamia. Although the various races of Earth became sadly mixed up in their notions of evolution, nevertheless, many of the primitive tribes believe and taught that they were descendants of various animals. Primitive peoples made a practice of selecting for their “totems” the animals of their supposed ancestry. Certain North American Indian tribes believed they originated from beavers and coyotes. Certain African tribes teach that they are descended from the Hyena, a Malay tribe from the lemur, a New Guinea group from the parrot.


“The Babylonians, because of immediate contact with the remnants of the civilization of the Adamites, enlarged and embellished the story of man’s creation; they taught that he had descended directly from the gods. They held to an aristocratic origin for the races which was incompatible with even the doctrine of creation out of clay. They were proud that they’re heritage extended down from the gods and favored this bloodline over any heritage derived from Edenic or Adamite stock.


“The Old Testament account of creation dates from long after the time of Moses; he never taught the Hebrews such a distorted story. But he did present a simple and condensed narrative of creation to the Israelites, hoping thereby to augment his appeal to worship the Creator, the Universal Father, whom he called the Lord God of Israel.


“In his early teachings, Moses very wisely did not attempt to go back, past Adam’s time, and since Moses was the supreme teacher of the Hebrews, the stories of Adam became intimately associated with those of creation. That the earlier traditions recognized pre-Adamic civilization is clearly shown by the fact that later editors intended to eradicate all reference to human affairs before Adam’s time, neglected to remove the telltale reference to Cain’s emigration to the “Land of Nod,” where he took himself a wife.


“The Hebrews had no written language in general use for a long time after they reached Palestine. They learned the use of the alphabet from the neighboring Philistines (Phoenicians), who were political refugees from the higher Minoan civilization on Crete. The Hebrews did little writing until about 900 BC., and having no written language until such a late date, they had several different stories of creation in circulation, but after the Babylonian captivity they inclined more toward accepting a modified Mesopotamian version.


“Jewish tradition became crystallized about Moses, and because he endeavored to trace the lineage of Abraham back to Adam, the Jews assumed that Adam was supposed to be the first of all mankind. Yahweh was the creator, and since Adam was supposed to be the first man, he must have made the world just prior to making Adam. And then the tradition of Adam’s six days got woven into the story, with the result that almost a thousand years after Moses’ sojourn on Earth the tradition of a creation of six days was written out and subsequently credited to him.


“When the Jewish priests returned to Jerusalem, they had already completed the writing of the narrative of the beginning of things. Soon they made claims that this recital was a recently discovered story of creation written by Moses. But the contemporary Hebrews of around 500 BC did not consider these writings to be divine revelations; they looked upon them much as later peoples regard mythological narratives.


“The spurious document, reputed to be the teachings of Moses, was brought to the attention of Ptolemy, the Greek king of Egypt, who had it translated into Greek by a commission of seventy scholars for his new library at Alexandria. And so this account found its place among those writings which subsequently became a part of the later collections of the “sacred scriptures” of the Hebrew and Christian religions. And through identification with these theological systems, such concepts for a long time, profoundly influenced the philosophy of many Occidental peoples.


“The Christian teachers perpetuated the belief in the fiat creation of the human race, and all this led directly to the formation of the hypothesis of a onetime golden age of utopian bliss and the theory of the fall of man or superman which accounted for the non-utopian condition of society. These outlooks of life and man’s place in the universe were at best discouraging. Since they were predicated upon a belief in retrogression rather than progression, as well as, implying a vengeful Deity, who had vented wrath upon the human race in retribution for the errors of certain onetime planetary administrators.


“The ‘golden age’ is a myth, but Eden was a fact, and the Garden civilization was actually overthrown. Adam and Eve carried on in the garden for one-hundred and seventeen years when, through the impatience of Eve and the errors of judgment of Adam, they presumed to turn aside from the ordained way, speedily bringing disaster upon themselves and ruinous retardation upon the developmental progression of all Earth.”


That was a lot to try and fathom on Tigh’s part, especially when it was coming from an angelic being like Salonia ‘the voice in the garden’ who I am quite familiar with as a fellow seraph. The Book of Genesis in the Old Testament, which so many Christians accept in its literal form, has had huge ramifications and repercussions on mankind’s understanding of spirituality. The Jews view the Old Testament in a more allegoric fashion. No wonder the intellectual left and the spiritual right have such strong opposing views. It’s like trying to push two magnets together when they just want to repel each other. The atheist left and the evangelic right need to move closer to the middle and consider moderation as a good thing in which to view the world. In doing so, it will eventually create better harmony within the human race.


Tigh took some time out from visiting the monument to digest what had transpired in the story of Adam and Eve. He settled into his studies but in quiet moments in the evenings, those thoughts of the couple and their challenges settled over him. He was getting close to graduating from here and was looking forward to picking up Earth’s history again on Mansion World Four.